Vitajte Na kompletnom obsahu tejto stránky sa (pomaly) pracuje. Niektoré linky v menu vlavo sú funkcné. Napríklad cesta k Bajkalu je uz takmer hotová. Pod linkom Ľudia BDITE! budem postupne zverejňovať všetko čo mi bude liezť na nervy. Celé to začalo vďaka neschopnosti zaviesť mi telefónnu linku Slovenským Telekomom a všetkých s tým spojených nervov. Welcome This site is under construction. See the menu on the left for some already working links. For example content of trip to Baikal sea is almost complete (howewer it is written in Slovak language, translation to German/English will be made some day... I don't have much time, you know...)
This (see below) is one of the java applets I wrote (later, they will be to find somewhere in "Projects/Experiments" section) Your browser (plugin) and java runtime must be installed and/or configured properly. Click the LEFT mouse button to zoom in, RIGHT mouse button to reset the coordinates (this gives the original image) |